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November 18, 2018 - November 19, 2018

The 2018 Environmental Performance Index ranked India's air quality as 178th out of 180 countries. NASA satellite data can be used for  air quality forecasting, smoke and fire detection, PM2.5 monitoring, and modeling. This training will cover the access and use of NASA resources for decision-making activities related to air quality. A presentation on relevant data products, as well as the online tools used to acquire and visualize aerosol and trace gas data will be followed by an air quality case study. Participants will have the opportunity to use available data portals and visualization tools to identify, track, and measure air quality events of their choosing.

Agenda Cite This Training


By the end of this training, attendees will be able to: 

  • Become familiar with specific data products, including data from MODIS, MISR, OMI, VIIRS, and CALIPSO, and online tools, such as Worldview and Giovanni
  • Conduct a case study incorporating data portals, visualization tools, and satellite data to identify, track, and measure an air quality event
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the data products discussed

Air quality professionals and decision makers from local, state, and federal agencies, NGOs, and the private sector.

Course Format
Day One

Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing for Air Quality ARSET: Lecture, Discussion 

Satellite Imagery Access, Interpretation, and Tools for Dust, Smoke, and Pollution Monitoring ARSET: Lecture, Discussion 

Exploring Satellite Imagery Using Worldview ARSET: Hands-On 

Air Quality Observations from Indian Satellites: Visualization & Analysis VEDAS, MOSDAC IIRS: Lecture, Discussion 

Air Quality Observations from Indian Satellites: Visualization & Analysis VEDAS, MOSDAC IIRS: Hands-On 

Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosols MODIS, VIIRS ARSET: Lecture, Discussion 

Level 2 Aerosol Data Search and Download Earthdata, LAADSWeb ARSET: Lecture, Discussion 

Exploring and Mapping Level 2 Aerosol Data Using Panoply ARSET: Hands-On 

Accessing and Analyzing Level 3 Aerosol Data Giovanni ARSET: Hands-On 

Validation of Aerosol Datasets ARSET: Hands-On 

Day Two

Trace Gases and Air Quality Modeling: An Introduction IIRS: Lecture, Discussion 

Remote Sensing of Trace Gases ARSET: Lecture

Satellite Remote Sensing of Trace Gases, Products, and Data Access ARSET: Demonstration 

Model and Satellite Intercomparison: Using RSIG Tool IIRS: Lecture, Hands-On 

Satellite Remote Sensing of Particulate Matter Air Quality ARSET: Lecture, Discussion 

PM2.5 Estimation Using Satellite Data ARSET: Hands-On 

Exercise Data File

PM2.5 Datasets and Access ARSET: Hands-On 

Participants Work on Air Quality Case Studies

Participant Presentation on Air Quality Case Studies