Principal Investigator

Zac Peloquin

Assessing and Assisting Monitoring Efforts of Water Clarity to Identify Potential Areas of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Chesapeake Bay

Bromus tectorum, otherwise known as cheatgrass, is an invasive grass from Europe that has increased its presence all over the world by out-competing native grasses due to its adaptability and lifecycle. During the end of its life cycle, typically occurring in the summer, its flammable...

Principal Investigator

Li-Wei Lin

Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) calculated from Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager(OLI) in 2019.  Central New York is a high production region for maple syrup. Purple pixels indicate urban or highly developed areas, black pixels indicate water, and darker green pixels represent highly vegetated areas. Areas of higher vegetation will be more suitable for sugarbush locations. This will help maple producers identify suitable sugar maple tree habitats.  Keywords: EVI, Landsat 8 OLI, sugarbush, New York

Variable climate, anomalous weather conditions, and other environmental stressors impact sugar maples (Acer saccharum), the main source of maple syrup in the Northern Forest region. Maintaining sugar maple health and current syrup production levels is vital for the region’s cultural...

Principal Investigator

Samantha Trust

Solar insolation levels collected by Terra/Aqua Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) in 2019 were used as inputs for solar suitability and environmental sensitivity conflict maps to inform solar developers of overlap between areas desirable for solar farms and nearly threatened species habitats. The darkest magenta designates the most environmentally sensitive areas, the darkest shade of blue indicates the highest level of solar suitability, while levels of conflict are shown in shades of purple.   Keywords: LUCIS, CERES, Solar Energy, Georgia, Samantha Trust​

The rapid expansion of the solar industry across the state of Georgia has a detrimental effect on the habitats of keystone and threatened species, such as the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) and the American black bear (Ursus...

Principal Investigator

Jacob Arndt

Identifying Methane Emissions Patterns from Dairy Farms Using Aircraft Remote Sensing Observations and Image Classification

Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with a lifetime of less than 10 years and a global warming potential that is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100 year time period. Between the energy, industrial processes and product use, agriculture...

Principal Investigator

Man Kumari Giri

Identifying Optimal Regions within New Jersey's Pine Barrens Forest for Urban Development Based on Wildfire Risk and the Wildland-Urban Interface Theory

As New Jersey's population increases, more of this population is relocating to the wildland-urban interface (WUI) of the south-central Pinelands region. Due to this increase in human activity coupled with local environmental conditions, local authorities are concerned about an increased possibility of wildfires that could...

Principal Investigator

Kara Cassano

Identifying Optimal Site Locations for Wind Energy Farms Considering Ecological and Social Impacts

With the increasing cost and declining availability of fossil fuels, renewable energy, specifically wind power, has become one of the fastest growing sources of energy in New Mexico. To assist with the goals set by the state's Renewables Standard Portfolio established in 2004, the NASA...

Principal Investigator

Alejandro Soria


Aerosols, fine particulate matter expelled into the atmosphere, have become a major concern due to associated negative health impacts. Aerosols are commonly created by anthropogenic activities such as biomass and fossil fuel burnings, pyrotechnics, vehicle congestion, and mining operations...

Principal Investigator

Patrick Saylor


A rapidly warming Arctic has compromised the structural integrity of critical infrastructure through accelerated permafrost thaw and thermokarst development underlying these areas. Infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and airports across the state of Alaska are particularly at risk, as permafrost...

Principal Investigator

Man Kumari Giri

Identifying Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Early-Season Invasive Grasses in Yellowstone National Park by Incorporating NASA Earth Observations.

Monitoring early-season invasive (ESI) annual grass species is of great significance to Yellowstone National Park as their spread threatens wildlife populations and biodiversity. Field enumeration of large grasslands with limited personnel is costly and time consuming. In response, this study tested use of NASA Earth...

Principal Investigator

W. Pierce Holloway

Average daytime land surface temperature for Fairfax County and surrounding areas calculated for the months June – August in the years 2013 – 2020 from the Landsat 8 Provisional surface Temperature product in the USGS Analysis Ready Data product bundle. Lighter yellow tones represent cooler temperatures while saturated reds indicate hotter temperatures, ranging from 64 °F in less built areas to 123 °F in the most urbanized areas where partners should concentrate mitigation strategies.  Keywords: Urban Heat, Landsat 8, Land Surface Temperature

Extreme high temperatures lead to increased instances of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and even death, as well as increased energy consumption and infrastructure costs. People in urbanized areas experience higher temperatures than rural areas due to diminished vegetation and increased...