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Job Title
Communications Strategist
NASA Headquarters
Program Role
Earth Science Division Communications


Aries Keck is a communications strategist for NASA’s Earth Science Division, with a focus on Earth Action. 

Aries joined the Earth Science communications team in October 2023. Previously she was with the Applied Sciences communications team based at NASA Headquarters. She came to NASA headquarters in March 2019. Prior to that role she was the first-ever social media lead at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. She began at NASA in 2011 as an Earth science mission writer.

Aries is an award-winning science writer and journalist. Prior to joining NASA, she was a frequent contributor to National Public Radio, the Discovery Channel, the Economist and the journal Science, among other outlets. Aries is the past president of the D.C. Science Writers and a member of the National Science Writing Association. She was the science and health reporter at WHYY-FM radio in Philadelphia and worked in the press office of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the publishers of the journal Science.

Aries is a co-author of the book “Einstein A to Z” and among her awards are the Gracie Allen award by the Foundation of American Women in Radio and Television and a Peabody Award by the National Association of Broadcasters. She graduated with a degree in science writing from Lehigh University and has a certificate in copyright law from Harvard Law School.