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2022 Spring DEVELOPers of the Term

SPRING 2022 DEVELOPers of the Term

Congratulations to Julianne Liu and Haley Stuckmeyer for being selected as the spring 2022 DEVELOPers of the Term!

Julianne, a third term DEVELOPer, participated in the inaugural term of DEVELOP’s Virtual Environmental Justice (VEJ) office. She led the needs assessment project that focused on assessing the landscape and capacity of organizations and communities working towards environmental justice in support of disaster management and risk reduction. Using her passion for advocating for marginalized communities and environmental justice, Julianne strived to facilitate conversations with potential partners and displayed incredible attention to detail while working on her team’s project. Her care for diversity and inclusion has helped foster a lasting research base for DEVELOP’s environmental justice projects that will impact the program beyond her time as a participant. The virtual work environment was no deterrent to Julianne, and she excelled in fostering connections between DEVELOP and local organizations to plant the seeds for future projects nationwide. Julianne also explored research ideas beyond her project’s scope to understand how geospatial data can be leveraged for collaboration with environmental justice organizations, and her team spirit helped everyone working on the VEJ projects bond in the virtual work environment.

Haley was a first-time DEVELOP participant working on the Phoenix Climate project through the Tempe, AZ location. Working on a team with all new participants, Haley quickly adjusted to the rigors of the DEVELOP program and acclimated well to the fast-paced work environment. With a background in Biology and Chemistry and previous work experience for the Missouri Department of Health, Haley dove into DEVELOP as her first experience with geospatial science. She came into the program eager to learn and provide input from her unique background in public health to offer fresh perspectives for the team’s project. She always took initiative to identify gaps in the project work and find solutions through exploring new datasets and meeting partner needs. It was through her contributions that the Phoenix Climate team was able to expand the scope of their analysis from a few thousand parcels to over 20,000 parcels assessing tree cover canopy suitability in Week eight alone. Haley’s dedication and hard work have been invaluable contributions to her team’s project success and growth within DEVELOP.

Congratulations again to Julianne and Haley!

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