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Summer 2022 DEVELOPers of the Term

Summer 2022 DEVELOPers of the Term

Congratulations to Carson Schuetze and Liam Megraw for being selected as the summer 2022 DEVELOPers of the Term! Carson was selected as our in-person DEVELOPer of the Term, while Liam was selected as our virtual DEVELOPer of the Term.

Carson Schuetze, a first-time DEVELOPer, participated in the Idaho Wildfires project at the Idaho location’s first on-site project in over two years. Before joining DEVELOP, Carson made the difficult decision to leave a career in mathematics and education to address their mounting concerns on climate change impacts and first-hand wildfire experiences. They chose DEVELOP to pivot into a career that they felt would have more purpose and make a tangible impact on the world. Carson started the term with no prior GIS or remote sensing experience, but fearlessly jumped head-first into learning anything and everything to contribute to their project. Carson's passion, dedication, and grit helped them to pick up complicated technical concepts and skills at lightning speed and allowed them to contribute significantly to the technical success of the team. Carson was also instrumental in fostering the fun, open, and communicative team dynamic of Idaho's first project back on-site. Carson’s creativity, support, and innovation made them an invaluable contributor to the Idaho Wildfires team’s success this summer.

Liam Megraw got his start with DEVELOP in the spring of 2022 at the Goddard Space Flight Center location and then joined the Ames Research Center this summer to participate in the New York Ecological Forecasting project. As project lead, Liam created a sense of community for the Ames teams with his supportive personality and witty sense of humor. His ability to motivate and inspire the team resulted in their admirable processing of multispectral and hyperspectral data to meet the partner’s needs and concerns. Liam’s dedication and desire to learn enabled him to create an intricate set of deliverables that accomplished all of the project's goals. His ability to explain complex remote sensing concepts in an easy, concise way was essential during partner meetings and within deliverables. With a willingness to ask questions and understand the partner’s perspective, the team created impressive end products and the work resulted in a strong scientific understanding of the project’s complex methodology. Throughout the summer term, Liam proved to be an excellent representative of DEVELOP's core values, and his team was impressed by everything he has accomplished in his project work.

Congratulations again to Carson and Liam!

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