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The Raikoke Volcano on the Kuril Islands in the Western Pacific Ocean erupted around 4:00am local time on June 22nd, 2019. The NASA Disasters Team has activated Tier 1 response for this event and is working with stakeholders at the Alaska Volcano Observatory and the Anchorage Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) to provide S02 mass estimates, plume trajectory models, and other satellite data products in support of the event. Since volcanic ash contains fragments of volcanic glass which melts a lower temperature than that which jet engines operate and is highly abrasive to windscreens it poses a serious hazard to aircraft. These data are used to create advisories and warnings for the affected airspace and to restrict flight paths as necessary.

Read more about the Raikoke eruption at NASA Earth Observatory.

Raikoke Valcanic plume
Photograph of the Raikoke volcanic plume taken by astronauts onboard the International Space Station on June 22nd, 2019. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory