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In August 2017, Washington state registered as having the worst air quality in the U.S. as a result of smoke1. Fires, smoke, and dust can all contribute to poor air quality that can affect vulnerable populations. NASA satellite data can be used to model, monitor, and track regional air quality. This training will help attendees become familiar with available satellite data, products, and tools, and how to apply them to identify, track, and measure an air quality event. This training is hosted in partnership with the U.S. EPA - Region 10, Seattle, WA, and the U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Seattle, WA

Dept of Ecology, Washington State

Agenda Cite This Training


IT & Computer Requirements

Each participant must come with a laptop computer with the capability to connect to the internet using WiFi.

Necessary Software:

  1. Microsoft Office (or similar software): Excel, Word, PowerPoint

  2. Internet Browser: Chrome (preferred), Firefox, or Safari

  3. Google Earth: free version available at:

  4. Latest Version of Java: available from

  5. Adobe Reader (or similar software to open and read PDF files): Adobe Reader is available at:

  6. Python 2.7

  7. Panoply: available at:

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(2018). ARSET - Satellite Remote Sensing of Dust, Fires, Smoke, and Air Quality. NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).

By the end of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Evaluate an air quality event in a case study, incorporating data portals, visualization tools, and satellite data
  • Describe specific data products and online tools, as well as their applications, including data from MODIS, OMI, VIIRS, CALIPSO, GOES-16, Worldview, IDEA, and Giovanni
  • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the data products and tools discussed

This training is primarily intended for air quality professionals and decision makers from local, state, tribal, and federal agencies, NGOs, and the private sector.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three

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