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Note: This was a one-time, in-person workshop at SXSW EDU. The session has already occurred, although the materials may be accessed at any time.

NASA has 30+ satellites pointed at Earth collecting data that is free to the public, and you don’t have to be an expert to use it! NASA conducts free trainings to use this data. And for the first time, we’re bringing that directly to SXSW EDU! Join NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training for an introduction to accessing, interpreting, and applying NASA data on local and global scales, with real-life case studies and opportunities to bring it into the classroom – no experience required.

SWSW Edu Schedule page

SXSW EDU: ARSET - Satellite Data for Beginners: A NASA Training. NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).
  • Explore ways that satellite remote sensing observations are used to study Earth systems.
  • Describe the basic science of how satellite sensors provide data and information that can be used to address concerns such as climate change, natural resources conservation, disasters, extreme heat, and air pollution.
  • Identify NASA resources for learning more about how to use and access remote sensing data.

Primary target audience: Educators, administrators, policymakers, students, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders wanting to learn how to apply Earth observations in shaping the education landscape.
Secondary target audience: Creatives, visionaries, and those passionate about improving education and exploring innovative solutions to the industry.
