Displaying 51 - 60 of 472
August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
This proposal nominates a group of experts in air quality to participate in the SERVIR Applied Sciences Team. The Battelle group, led by Dr. Amy...
September 10, 2018
November 16, 2018
The water resources of South Asia, which contribute to the livelihood of over a fifth of the world’s population, are the outcome of complex interactions...
Spatially explicit information on land cover and land use extent and change is required for national and regional land use planning and management, water use...
The Upper Guinean Forestsof West Africa are among the most vulnerable of the Earth’s tropical ecosystems to human-driven environmental change. They are considered climatically marginal...
This proposed project will use an established land surface model – Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) along with NASA satellite data products and in-situ observations...
Background: Accurate forecasting and communication of water and water-related hazards in developing regions could save untold lives and property. To this end, the proposing team...
The NASA-ROSES SERVIR Applied Sciences Team program element highlights desertificationas a challenge unique to West Africa, and encourages studies that connect this challenge toclimate analysis...