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Action Earth Strategy Cover Image

Enabling people to apply insights from Earth science drives us in the Applied Sciences Program. We envision a future where uses of Earth science are common, people widely recognize the benefits, and there’s strong desire for more data, insights, and tools. Getting there requires us to be bold and to pursue even more impactful approaches in the coming years.

Earth and space are intrinsically linked. NASA’s Earth Science Division discovers new insights about the planet and the complex interactions within the Earth system. Within the Division, Applied Sciences works with institutions worldwide in applying Earth science, powering innovations and improved decisions and actions. We draw on our connections with users to bring their feedback and desires back to our Division colleagues to further improve NASA’s Earth science research and technology.

This Strategic Plan reflects our vision and ambitions. It also reflects our intention to be more expansive in achieving greater impacts. The opportunities are there. Chief among them is pursuing more engagements with private sector and non-profits for expanded reach. And, while continuing high- quality applications development and applied research, the strategy involves new ways of working and re-thinking our traditional methods. Our opportunistic approach gives way to one more intent on scaling. The creation of collaborative spaces can forge multi-sector solutions to pressing challenges, and engaging stories about Earth science benefits can broaden audiences and spark interest in applications to improve daily lives.

As NASA continues to advance our understanding of the Earth, we’re excited about the many opportunities to enable greater impacts in applying Earth science, and we welcome you on our journey.

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Biplov Bhandari
Chinmay Deval
Manish Shrestha
Trista Brophy Cerquera
Elissa Fielding