Displaying 11 - 16 of 16
Southern Rockies Western Slope Agriculture (2023 Spring) Team: Adelaide Gonzalez (Project Lead), Rachel Buchler, Max VanArnam, Stephanie Willsey Summary: Over the last decade, the southern...
Southeast US Agriculture (2023 Spring) Team: Kindrea Gibbons (Project Lead), Michaela Gooch, Quinton Deppert, Casey Mills Summary: A flash drought refers to the rapid onset...
Bhutan Agriculture III (Summer 2023) Team: Sonam Seldon Tshering (Project Lead), Garab Kuenphen Dorji, Ugyen Thinley Dorji, Sangay Choden, Tenzin Lhaden Summary: The Bhutan Agriculture...
Aconcagua Basin Agriculture (Summer 2023) Team: Javiera Canales (Project Lead), Daniela Quintero, Carmen Petras Summary: The Aconcagua basin has experienced a prolonged drought since 2010...
Idaho & Oregon Agriculture (2024 Spring) Team: Garret Weichel (Project Lead), Aarushi Jhatro, Jack Hagenbuch, Hannah Willis Summary: The practice of night penning, which involves...