Principal Investigator

Jamon Van Den Hoek

The Mapping the Missing Millions project undertook a diverse collection of Earth observation (EO)-based assessments at refugee camps that collectively provide path-breaking insights into settlement dynamics, land cover change, and climate change effects at the world’s refugee camps. The project first examined EO-opportunities for refugee...

Principal Investigator

Mekonnen Gebremichael

Almost all major development problems in Sub-Saharan Africa are water-related: low economic development, low energy production, food insecurity, recurrent droughts, disastrous floods, and poor health conditions. As part of efforts to develop industry and improve the lives of its citizens, Sub-Saharan Africa has embarked on...

Principal Investigator

Daniel Ames

Imagine being able to predict streamflow on every river and stream in the world for the next 15 days! With our global streamflow modelling and simulation product and web applications this is now possible. What can be done with these forecasts when they are combined...

Principal Investigator

John D Bolten

Challenge: Improve USDA Foreign Agricultural Service commodity crop forecasts by integrating NASA soil moisture remote sensing products and land surface modeling/assimilation tools into the operational USDA FAS global water balance modeling system. Soil moisture provides an early indication of vegetation change.

Need: The USDA FAS...

Principal Investigator

Mary Blair

Effective policy responses to changes in biodiversity are only possible with adaptable analytic tools that leverage the influx of data from biodiversity observation systems. The analytic tools must be streamlined and readily mastered by researchers making scientific recommendations. This projected created two new software packages...

Principal Investigator

Karyn Tabor

Indigenous peoples and local communities are key stakeholders for achieving sustainable land management and addressing global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss. ​Traditional Indigenous groups represent about 370 million people globally​ and indigenous lands cover ~28% of Earth’s terrestrial surface and include 40% of...

Principal Investigator

Matthew Oliver

Proposals that respond to section 3.1.1 (Remote Sensing as a Catalyst for Large-scale Conservation) should link natural seascapes to large-scale conservation using satellite imagery to enable conservation planning with end-user organizations. End users should have enhanced tools for decision making, management strategies and seascape management...
Principal Investigator

Christopher Hain

The goal of the Development of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America project is to develop a drought monitoring tool for North America based on remotely sensed estimates of evapotranspiration (ESI; Evaporative Stress Index). The ESI represents anomalies in the...

Principal Investigator

Pierre Guillevic

Project description: The goal of this project is to develop an integrated modeling platform using Earth observations to simulate large-scale hydrological processes and food production in support of water use decisions and agricultural policy. The approach is based on the use of field and Earth...

Principal Investigator

Matthew Rodell

The goal of this project is expand our suite of weekly drought/wetness indicators to include 1-3 month forecasts for the continental U.S., which will then be utilized by our partners at the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), the NOAA North Central River Forecast Center (NCRFC)...