Matthew Alvarado
Using remote sensing and Earth system models to improve air quality and public health in megacities
The primary goal of this project is to use NASA retrievals of boundary-layer concentrations of ammonia (NH3) from the
Joaquim Goes
Richard A Smith
SPARROW is widely used throughout the United States for long term, steady state water quality analysis. However, users are increasingly asking for a dynamic version of the model that can provide seasonal estimates of nutrients and suspended sediment to receiving waters. Time varying SPARROW forecasts...
Megan Donahue
Charon Birkett
Description: This project provides a range of surface water products related to lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in a near real time framework. It also offers a longer-term set of observations via integration of historical data sets. Products include water level, water extent, hypsometry and bathymetry...
Valerie Seidel
Neil Carter
Amir AghaKouchak
This project proposes a methodology that improves capabilities to forecast 1- to 6-month precipitation and water supply anomalies. Predicting and understanding droughts' effects on water resource systems is essential to securing sustainable water resources. This project will make unique contributions through a comprehensive and challenging...
Jeff Dozier
Our primary objective is to improve our ability to apply remotely sensed measures of snow properties to improve in-season estimates of snow accumulation, snow melt and runoff in remote, snow-dominated mountain regions, which supply water to 1/5th of Earth’s population. The results enable decision makers...
Blake A Schaeffer
The Cyanobacteria Assessment Network is a multi-agency project among the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Geological Survey to develop an early warning indicator system for algal bloom detection in U.S. freshwater systems. This research will utilize historical and...