Principal Investigator

Siamak Khorram

Our multidisciplinary team at UC Berkeley has invited California Air Resources Board, the US Forest Service, and Dr. Robert O Green of NASA JPL and Dr. Thomas H. Mace of NASA Dryden to join us. California Air Resources Board's (CARB's) smoke management program deals with...
Principal Investigator

Keith Weber

In partnership with the Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM), we propose to build and evaluate the prototype RECOVER decision support system. RECOVER will be an automatically deployable, site-specific multi-criteria decision aid that brings together in a single application the information necessary for...
Principal Investigator

Brian Wardlow

The proposed project will investigate the development of a rapid-response drought monitoring tool prototype called the QuickDrought Response Index (QuickDRI) that integrates satellite-based vegetation, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture data with climateindex and biophysical data. QuickDRI will be designed to map and monitor early-stage and rapid-onset...
Principal Investigator

Mark Cochrane

Managers need to know how cumulative wildland fuels treatments of varying types and ages alter landscape-level probabilities of burning within and beyond the extent of treated areas in order to assess performance of management activities. Characterizing reduced impacts and avoided losses due to treatments is...
Principal Investigator

Sher Schranz

This project addresses the Disasters and Ecological Forecasting Applied Sciences Application themes, the priority topics of fire risk assessment and responding to fires. The project will incorporate coupled atmosphere-wildfire forecasting of wildland fire behavior into NOAA and USFS fire weather systems. It will be available...
Principal Investigator

Zachary Holden

Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB)-induced changes in forest structure and hydrology are currently not accounted for in available fire management tools, but add significant complexity to fire management operations and pose a serious threat to firefighter safety. Using fused MODIS/Landsat data, we will develop a system...
Principal Investigator

Seth Wenger

Conservation management for salmonids (trout + salmon) as for other taxa often requires decisions on the allocation of scarce resources. These decisions are typically supported by spatial prioritization schemes that seek to identify those populations with the highest chance of persistence under current conditions, and...
Principal Investigator

Bradley Penta

We will develop an Adaptive Ecosystem Climatology (AEC) to provide a flexible, on-line tool for ecoforecasting applications; it will meld observations collected by amateur observers (crowdsourcing), Earth Observation (EO) satellites, archived in-situ data, and output from a state-of-the-art, data assimilative, coupled bio-optical-physical ocean model system...
Principal Investigator

Linda Vance

The long-term goal of this project is to develop data critical to wildland fire modeling and response in the Northern Region of the US Forest Service. The project directly supports the Societal Benefit Area Ecological Forecasting, which in turn will support decisions that affect other...
Principal Investigator

Lilian Pintea

The objective of this proposal is to develop a practical and operational Decision Support System that could be used by the Jane Goodall Institute and partners to annually monitor and forecast chimpanzee habitat health in Africa. Understanding the relative condition, or "health," of chimpanzee habitats...