Principal Investigator

Annmarie Eldering

Surface-level ozone causes serious health impacts in humans and damages crops and terrestrial ecosystems. High concentrations of ozone are due to a combination of photochemistry, dynamics, and background or long range transport of pollutants. As discussed in the NESCAUM report (NESCAUM, 2006), ""Scientific studies have...
Principal Investigator

Yang Liu

Traditional surface-based particle pollution measurements are the basis for compliance assessment, but they have limited spatial coverage. Satellites can provide much broader coverage, but they currently do not offer extensive particle vertical distribution information, and cannot distinguish among spherical aerosol compositions without calibration by ground...
Principal Investigator

Sam Goward

This proposal seeks to continue an effort that exploits the combination of two key data sets, the Landsat historical record and plot records from the US Forest Service (USFS) Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, for the purpose of developing a quantitative understanding of forest...

Principal Investigator

Russell Dickerson

Proposal Summary. We will apply OMI remote sensing information to air quality issues in the eastern US, where NO2 and SO2 are key precursors to O3 and particulate matter (PM) - USEPA designated health and environmental problems. The goal of this research is a deeper...
Principal Investigator

Jeff Dozier

Our objective is to estimate seasonal snow volumes, relative to historical trends and extremes, in snow-dominated mountains that have austere infrastructure, sparse gauging, challenges of accessibility, and emerging or enduring insecurity related to water resources. To judge feasibility, the proposed effort looks at two regions...
Principal Investigator

Enrique Vivoni

Droughts and their hydrological consequences are a major threat to food security throughout the world. In arid and semiarid regions dependent on irrigated agriculture, prolonged droughts lead to significant and recurring economic and social losses. In this Feasibility Stage 1 project, the assembled research and...
Principal Investigator

Sara Graves

The period immediately following an environmental disaster typically involves a rush by decision makers and scientists, to determine what data are relevant and to access these data for disaster mitigation and post-event analysis. The University of Alabama in Huntsville has prototyped and demonstrated Event-Driven Data...
Principal Investigator

Sara Graves

Event-Driven Data Delivery (ED3) technology addresses the problem of data preparedness for disaster events. In the Stage 1-Feasibility study, the team created a flexible, loosely coupled ED3 Framework, and through reference implementations of the various components, successfully demonstrated how the technology can be applied to...
Principal Investigator

Gil Bohrer

Objectives: We propose to develop a widely needed on-line portal that will streamline the co-registration of animal tracking data with a variety of weather and land surface data. The portal will also provide toolboxes for data visualization and analysis. To ensure relevance and effectiveness, the...
Principal Investigator

Patricia Heglund

Climate change poses severe threats to biodiversity, and conservationists have to adapt their management decisions to a changing climate. The challenge is that the biological response to future climate change is uncertain. Climate change will entail a general warming, but even more importantly may increase...