Principal Investigator

Daniel Patrick Johnson

Heat related death is currently the number one weather-related killer in the United States.Mortality from these events is expected to increase as a function of climate change. The proposed activity seeks to augment the current Heat Watch/Warning System (HWWS) with NASA instruments and models used...
Principal Investigator

Wade T Crow

The proposed project aims at enhancing the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) global crop assessment decision support system via the integration of NASA soil moisture data products and adoption of NASA land surface modeling and data assimilation tools. USDA FAS...

Principal Investigator

Dave F Jones

This project will discover and demonstrate practical applications of NASA Earth science research and capabilities and accelerate the use of NASA earth science research results into the Envirocast. Vision? TouchTable (EVTT) Decision Support System (DSS) at the NWS and FEMA in the AWIPS II Evolution...
Principal Investigator

Phillip Graham Dickerson

At the forefront of the AIRNow program are its (1) real-time and historical spatial maps showing pollutants concentrations in the AQI and (2) national air quality forecasts. This information is converted to the AQI forecasts and distributed to the public and media (e.g., USA Today...
Principal Investigator

Philip Townsend

Mathematical models are critical to predicting the effects of human activities and natural processes on water quality. Water quality decision support systems (DSS) such as BASINS (and the HSPF model embedded in BASINS) are used extensively to simulate watershed processes, allowing for the partitioning of...

Principal Investigator

Mitchell A Roffer

This research focuses on extending Earth science research results to decision support systems in the Ecological Forecasting national priority area. The activity seeks to improve the existing National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration¿s (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) decision making system for population assessment and...
Principal Investigator

Arastoo Pour Biazar

This project addresses the Air Quality Application Area, and its purpose is to improve the performance of the air quality management Decision Support Tools (DSTs) used in the State Implementation Plan (SIP) process for development and evaluation of emission controls under the provisions of the...
Principal Investigator

Greg Koeln

InsuranceVision is a remarkable candidate for funding under this program because it is a financial DSS helping agricultural producers address severe losses to their crops yet it must incorporate land, climate and weather information because the success of an agricultural enterprise is heavily dependent on...

Principal Investigator

Luis G Goncalves

We propose the use of NASA remote sensing and modeling products combined with surface observations at various scales to improve decisions support systems in agriculture, drought and water resources management for South America (SA). This proposal builds upon a partnership between NASA and various U.S...

Principal Investigator

Daven K Henze

Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) presently pose a serious health hazard to tens of millions of people in the U.S. While a significant portion of this PM2.5 is governed by the gas-phase precursors NH3 and NOx, current efforts to ascertain and control the influence...