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The GFMS uses real-time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) precipitation information as input to a quasi-global hydrological runoff and routing model. 

  • In addition, the latest maps of instantaneous precipitation and totals from the last day, three days and seven days are displayed.
  • Flood detection/intensity estimates are based on 13 years of retrospective model runs with TMPA input, with flood thresholds derived for each grid location using surface water storage statistics. 
  • Streamflow, surface water storage, and inundation variables are also calculated at 1km resolution. 


Plots of forecast rain from NASA GEOS-5 global model.

Rainfall forecast graph

New Zealand flood forecasts from the Global Flood Monitoring System (

Flood Detection Graph
Flood Detection Intensity Graph
Flood Detection Intensity Graph
Flood Detection Intensity Graph

New Zealand streamflow forecast at 37.42S 175.05E on North Island 

Flood Detection Intensity Graph

Related Impact

Jacob Reed, NASA Disasters