To fulfill an objective of the ROSES-2008 A.19, a new application is proposed that will support aviation?s Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), primarily for...
We propose to develop a prototype Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety (NAIRAS) model. The NAIRAS model combines observations of Earth's near-space and...
This proposal requests funding to leverage NASA assets to continue optimizing a GOES convective initiation (CI) 0-1 hr nowcasting algorithm for performance across various ""convective...
Applications of National Priority: Aviation, Energy Management, Air Quality Turbulence is widely recognized as the leading cause of injuries to flight attendants and passengers on...
This investigation will make use of unique NASA observations of cloud properties from A Train instruments to improve decision making for aviation applications. The key...
The Arctic climate system is experiencing dramatic changes. One of the most dramatic and very public changes is the reduction in the summertime sea ice...
Aircraft inject exhaust particles and water vapor into the upper atmosphere that can produce persistent """condensation trails"""" (contrails) capable of altering the atmosphere's radiative balance...
In support of the weather component of the NASA Applied Sciences Program, the proposed effort will adapt satellite-derived cloud microphysical products for detection of a...