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Project description: The goal of this project is to develop an integrated modeling platform using Earth observations to simulate large-scale hydrological processes and food production in support of water use decisions and agricultural policy. The approach is based on the use of field and Earth observations to calibrate the APEX and SWAT eco-hydrological models, and climate simulations to forecast crop condition and yield through the crop season. The primary outcomes and results for stakeholders will be potential water management best practices to improve water use efficiency and prevent excessive losses of water and nitrogen to the environment.


End users/partners: G20 GEOGLAM and NASA Harvest initiatives, agriculture and water ministries in Tanzania and South Africa, water management consortiums and farmers in Argentina, Tanzania, and South Africa. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Bureau of Reclamation and farmers in the U.S. Irrigation consulting and management companies in the U.S. and New Zealand.


Data sources, models, technology: APEX and SWAT models; satellite data from MODIS, Landsat, GPM, Sentinel, and ECOSTRESS; meteorological data from NCEP and NASA; ground-based measurements from project partners.

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