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Two extremely serious and highly publicized issues regarding honey bees are impacting agricultural pollination and crop and honey production in the US, in both commercial and private operations. These are a) the spreading presence of the invasive Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) which alarms the general public and disrupts pollination services and production of honey bee queens and replacement stock, and b) the spread of multiple pests and diseases within the managed honey bee populations (of which Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is but the most recent) that cause major loss of honey bee colonies. Currently there is a lack of infrastructure to bring to bear broad-scale environmental and climate information from the NASA Earth Sciences programs on either of these issues. NASA environmental data derived from satellite observations and assimilation models could greatly improve the basis for understanding environmental aspects of both issues. Similar concerns exist with respect to the impact of environmental and climate change on native pollinators and the consequent impacts on terrestrial ecosystem functions (NAS, 2006). We propose to augment an existing Decision Support System at USGS, by providing a range of NASA data sets and research model results tailored to study the spread of the invasive AHB, and the effects of land cover use and land cover change and climate change on the honey bee environment. These data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra and Aqua satellites cover all of North America at ~weekly intervals and 1-5 kilometer spatial resolution. The products include vegetation indices, surface reflectance at multiple wavelengths, leaf area index, primary production, surface temperature, and ~weekly phenology metrics derived from these products that describe the time dependencies of plant characteristics like bud burst and blooming. New approaches in analysis of the satellite data and derived metrics will increase the relevance of the NASA data by addressing honey bee forage potential. We use hives on scales to monitor honey bee ¿ forage plant interactions through changes in their weight. This very novel capability will be used to relate when nectar and pollen are available to the satellite derived vegetation data. Volunteer scale hive sampling is already underway as a prototype 2007 study in the Mid-Atlantic region via The DSS system is capable of producing maps at various time periods depicting likely habitats for the AHB, and of regions and times of pollen and nectar availability, through statistical manipulations of the data. We will work closely with a variety of decision makers at USDA, other federal agencies, state agencies, regional consortiums, and beekeeping organizations to improve and test the new capabilities provided by the DSS. This proposal is responsive to the National Applications Needs of Invasive Species, Agricultural Efficiency, and Ecological Forecasting. Through recent media attention to this important national problem and threat to US food production, increased public awareness, and the direct involvement of potentially thousands of beekeepers, this activity will greatly increase the appreciation of NASA observations and science results in the eye of the public.