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Emissions from fire, including agricultural and rangeland burning, forest fires, and peatland fires, impact the atmosphere dramatically. Current tools to quantify emission sources are developing quickly in a response to the need by the modeling community to assess fires role in carbon cycling and impact on air quality. Research shows fire to be an important mechanism for converting biomass into atmospheric carbon and a critical source of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants, including two of the six criteria pollutants identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Atmospheric chemistry and transport models are fast maturing to require improved geospatial estimates of emissions sources that include estimated uncertainty. Because prescribed and wildland fire is so pervasive, these emissions sources are of general concern. In an earlier project funded by the NASA Carbon Cycle Science program, our team developed improved methods to spatially quantify wildland fire emissions and a prototype information system to demonstrate methods to make these data available for the user community. The project results provide estimated source emissions from wildland fire and is a valuable tool to show methods for serving out data calculated based on user-defined queries, but the product falls short for some of the critical needs of the user community. Under the proposed project, we propose to build from our previous research to provide methods to create data inputs for estimating fire emissions and improve models for computing source emissions spatial data sets for the modeling community. Proposed system improvements will include development of temporally dynamic biomass data sets for the continental US, enhancements of the Consume emissions model, which is used by EPA for their fire emissions inventory, a method to compute both source emissions and an associated uncertainty for fires in agricultural, rangeland, forest, and wetland systems. The expected results from the 4-year project will be methods to better serve the needs of the smoke and atmospheric modeling communities. An initial part of the proposed work will be to further demonstrate the tools available in the prototype system as a way to the identify limitation of currently available resources and gauge the user community requirements. In addition to identify the needs of the user community, during the feasibility stage we also propose to: 1) develop conceptual methodologies for creating annually changing fuels (biomass) maps; 2) investigate the requirements for improving the Consume and FOFEM emissions models; 3) begin development of an uncertainty model for the emissions estimation approach developed under the previous project; and 4) make some initial adjustments to the existing Wildfire Emissions Information System (WFEIS) and identify new and improved avenues to serve out timely and accurate fire emissions information. If funded for additional years, we will continue on these four fronts to improve - through methodological development, field data collection, data analysis, and information system development - estimates of fire emissions and access to spatial data sets for the user community. We expect the final product to include: 1) a streamlined approach for using remote sensing and other spatial data sets to create annual maps of fuels and fuel loadings for the US; 2) developments in existing emissions models (Consume) to allow for better estimates of fuel consumption and emissions of atmospheric constituents of interest to the community; 3) a standard model for computing uncertainty in emissions models (a feature currently not available to the user community); and 4) a robust information system that can be accessed by a broad set of users, including queries submitted via a GUI interface or from a computer-based system.