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images of Flood estimates from GFMS using IMERG input show evolution of flooding over the last few days, with expansion from Houston area to southeastern Texas and Louisiana.

Flood estimates from GFMS using IMERG input show evolution of flooding over the last few days, with expansion from Houston area to southeastern Texas and Louisiana. 

image of Satellite-based rainfall (GPM IMERG) from now Tropical Storm Harvey over the last three days compares fairly well with raingauges, except for peak values.

Satellite-based rainfall (GPM IMERG) from now Tropical Storm Harvey over the last three days compares fairly well with raingauges, except for peak values.  IMERG has peaks of about 500 mm (~ 20”) around Houston, whereas gauges indicate over 35”.  Contour at 150 mm, however, agrees reasonably well.


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Laura Guzmán, NASA Lifelines