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Image of a screenshot of the North Atlantic Hurricane Watch web portal.
Screenshot from the North Atlantic Hurricane Watch web portal.

The North Atlantic Hurricane Watch (NAHW – ) portal monitors hurricanes and tropical convection in the North Atlantic and East Pacific ocean basins.  It provides interactive visualization, data integration and on-line analysis tools. The portal: i) integrates model forecasts with satellite and airborne observations from a variety of instruments and platforms, allowing for easy model/observations comparisons; ii) Allows interrogation of a large number of atmospheric and ocean variables to better understand the large-scale and storm-scale processes associated with hurricane genesis, track and intensity changes.  This portal provides very rich information for near-real time and post-hurricane analyses. This NASA-funded system (ESTO/AIST and the HSRP) was developed in close collaboration with NOAA/AOML/HRD to support hurricane research.

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Laura Guzmán, NASA Lifelines