Applied Sciences' work is now featured in a new section of NASA’s Climate Change website. Titled Earth Science in Action, the page highlights stories about NASA people, projects and scientific discoveries that contribute to addressing climate change and climate-related challenges.
One of the initial stories shared on the site is how a warmer planet has resulted in more invasive mosquito species in America. A Health and Air Quality-supported project called VectorSurv is helping public health officials track and mitigate the effects of of mosquito-borne diseases like Zika and West Nile Virus.
New stories to the site will publish each month, continuing to highlight how NASA’s Applied Sciences Program brings data down to Earth by putting its observations to work solving our planet’s most pressing issues.
Another feature is an Ecological Forecasting project in helping to use satellite data to assess the quality as well as the extent of the world’s tropical forests. Using NASA’s high-resolution satellite data now allow scientists to measure forest quality by tree height, forest canopy thickness and disturbances from logging, fires and more. Tropical forests play a crucial role mitigating climate change effects by absorbing carbon dioxide.
To see more stories about the connections between Applied Sciences projects and climate change, please visit: Earth Science in Action.