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Sandra Cauffman giving her keynote speech at the Understanding Risk Central America Forum. Credit: NASA
Sandra Cauffman giving her keynote speech at the Understanding Risk Central America Forum. Credit: NASA

Versión en español

Sandra Cauffman, director (acting) of NASA's Earth Sciences Division opened the Understanding Risk Central America Forum with a keynote address on the strength of partnerships and building community resilience in Central America. The event was attended by more than 500 people and notable attendees included the President of Costa Rica - Carlos Alvarado, the General Secretary of SICA - Marco Vinicio, and the Director for World Bank Central America, Seynabou Sahko. 

Sandra spoke about the relevance and role of NASA Earth observations for disaster cycle management and developing a resilient Central America.  Her talk is timely given increasing regional engagement by NASA, the Integration System of Central America (SICA), and the World Bank focused on the integration of Earth observing systems in supporting science-informed risk reduction in the region.

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Laura Guzmán, NASA Lifelines