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2019 VALUABLES Consortium Banner

This week, on Wednesday, October 30, Resources for the Future’s VALUABLES Consortium is hosting its 2019 workshop in Washington, D.C. The annual workshop brings together economists, NASA experts, Earth scientists, decision makers and thought leaders working to estimate and communicate how satellite data benefits society when we use it to make decisions. VALUABLES, which stands for the Consortium for the Valuation of Applications Benefits Linked to Earth Science, is a partnership between Resources for the Future (RFF) and NASA that assesses the socioeconomic value of Earth observations and focuses on advancing innovative techniques to value the information this data provides.

Anyone interested in learning more about the value of Earth observation can RSVP to watch the free webcast, which will be livestreamed online, at this link: The workshop will include new results from case studies on how satellite data can improve outcomes for people and the environment, from managing health and air quality, to flooding and endangered species. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, October 30, from 10:00 a.m. ET to 5:00 p.m. ET.

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