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NASA Harvest Program Director, Dr. Inbal Becker-Reshef

NASA Harvest Program Director, Dr. Inbal Becker-Reshef, was recently featured on Episode 73: Crop Circle on the nature, Earth, and environmentally-focused podcast series Podship Earth hosted by Jared BlumenfeldCalifornia’s Secretary for Environmental Protection. In the interview, she touches on various topics related to satellite remote sensing for informing agricultural and food security decisions. Thanks to major advances in this field, we now have the ability to monitor crop condition, production and change at field to global scales throughout each growing season.

Podship:Earth Crop Circle Graphic

Becker-Reshef explains how global coordination efforts like NASA Harvest and the G20 GEOGLAM initiative are advancing the field and the uptake of satellite driven information for stakeholders across the agricultural sector to enable proactive agricultural policies to be put in place to provide transparent global information in support of stable agricultural markets and prices.

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