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Summer 2021 DEVELOPers of the Term

Summer 2021 DEVELOPers of the Term

Congratulations to Chris Choi and Caroline Williams for being selected as the summer 2021 DEVELOPers of the Term!

Chris Choi was the team lead for the Colorado Ecological Forecasting team at the Colorado DEVELOP location. Over the course of the term, Chris was an incredible leader, keeping the team focused and handling challenges with poise. As the term progressed, Chris managed any uncertainties regarding the project and was able to work new products into the project smoothly. Throughout the term, Chris was a technical leader, not only to his teammates, but also other DEVELOP teams. Chris was an all-around fantastic DEVELOPer, earning praise from his teammates and advisors throughout the term.

Caroline was a member of the Argentina Food Security and Agriculture team at the Maryland - Goddard location. Her enthusiasm and passion for the project grew quickly as the term progressed. Despite having limited knowledge of Google Earth Engine coding, she worked to develop a significant portion of a forecasting script generated by the team. However, what really made Caroline stand out was her willingness and ability to help other DEVELOPers. During the term, she assisted team members whenever needed and even offered to help troubleshoot with the other Goddard team. Caroline’s passion for the project and ability to collaborate on efforts beyond her own work made her an exemplary DEVELOPer.

Congratulations again to Chris and Caroline!

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