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Marissa Kunerth
Earth Applied Sciences Writer

This video series highlights projects in the Ecological Forecasting program area.

Mongolian Cashmere

As the global demand for cashmere wool continues to increase, climate change and overgrazing threaten Mongolia’s Gobi Desert ecosystem. In an effort to reverse degradation in the Gobi Desert rangelands without disadvantaging the local herder communities, NASA Applied Sciences’ Ecological Forecasting program area partnered with Becky Chaplin-Kramer, lead scientist at the Natural Capital Project and her team of scientists at Stanford University, to use rangeland modeling and satellite remote sensing to monitor for improvements in rangeland quality, pasture management, biodiversity, ecosystem services and herder livelihoods.   

The tools and data developed through the Sustainable Cashmere Project are used by end users to help improve their environmental sustainability and regenerative practices in which they live. Hear more about this incredible project and how the rangeland production module drives lasting change by watching the video below. 


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