Catastrophe (CAT) models help insurance companies price insurance by using data from natural hazard physical parameters (e.g., ground motion, flood depth, wind speed) to assess risk and probable loss. These models depend on geographic information systems (GIS) databases to characterize building exposure, but in emerging...
Steven Edburg
Ronald Eguchi
Wilfrid Schroeder
Christopher Hain
Jun Wang
Chris Justice
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is currently operates the only agricultural monitoring system that is global, providing critical information on global crop production in the context of global markets and food security. Since the 1970’s, NASA and the USDA have been working together to...
Chris Justice
Xu Liang
Nickolay Krotkov
Chris Justice
The GEO acknowledges sustainable agriculture as one of the critical societal benefit areas (SBA) for international cooperation and collaboration. The agriculture SBA calls for an operational system for monitoring global agriculture that includes the following three main functional components: • Global mapping and monitoring of...