Principal Investigator

Richard Stumpf

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs) are a global problem affecting public and environmental health. The goal of this project is to develop a capability, the Modeling and Forecasting System (M&FS), to identify, document, and climatologically forecast CyanoHABs in major water bodies to aid environmental and...
Principal Investigator

Cathleen E Jones

Nearly a quarter of California's fresh water supply flows through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, an area comprised of tidal marshland and reclaimed land in the form of islands surrounded by levees. The Delta is of critical importance to the state's water supply, contains premier agricultural...
Principal Investigator

Benjamin F Zaitchik

This "Nile LDAS" will produce optimal estimates of hydrological states and fluxes, as vetted against the in situ observations of NBI and MWRI and against diagnostic ET and moisture estimates produced using the USDA's Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) remote sensing technique. Together, Nile LDAS and...

Principal Investigator

Daniel Eric Irwin

The objective of this project is to initiate a SERVIR-like system utilizing NASA science research results for improved decision support for the continent of Africa. This project will be modeled after the highly successful NASA SERVIR system implemented in Central America ( We will partner...
Principal Investigator

Robert L. Crabtree

To maintain our nation¿s environmental health, we must continually improve our ability to manage our natural resources in ways that sustain ecological function and protect biodiversity. As a result, USFWS and USGS recently partnered to create a Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) Framework, with the goal...
Principal Investigator

Robert L. Crabtree

Ecosystems are in a state of flux due to changing climate. Informed management of species populations and the habitats upon which we all depend confronts us with tremendous and unfamiliar challenges. Migratory species are particularly vulnerable to climate impacts because critical life-history events track environmental...
Principal Investigator

Patrick N. Halpin

Changes in global climate may significantly alter the circulation, biogeophysical processes, and biological productivity of marine ecosystems (IPCC 2007, Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010). These effects are expected to cascade up from changes in the physical environment to the bio-geophysical systems and then to top ocean...
Principal Investigator

Wayne E Esaias

Two extremely serious and highly publicized issues regarding honey bees are impacting agricultural pollination and crop and honey production in the US, in both commercial and private operations. These are a) the spreading presence of the invasive Africanized Honey Bee (AHB) which alarms the general...
Principal Investigator

Uma Shankar

Acquiring, organizing, and analyzing the datasets necessary for planners to thoroughly evaluate air quality and accurately trace emissions sources is a laborious and costly process that strains already-limited state and federal resources. Even after such data have been consolidated and analyzed, employing them synergistically to...
Principal Investigator

Eric Mason Danner

When making decisions about water allocations, state and federal water project managers must consider the short-term and long-term needs of agriculture, urban users, hydroelectric production, and flood control. They are also required by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to make sure their decisions do not...