Principal Investigator

John D Bolten

This proposed project will use an established land surface model – Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) along with NASA satellite data products and in-situ observations for water management decisions in the Lower Mekong River Basin. The specific tasks include using NASA satellite precipitation and vegetation...
Principal Investigator

Victor Gutierrrez-Velez

Earth Observations data and products represent great potential for understanding, managing, and conserving biodiversity.  The project developed a Decision Support System (DSS) for Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Colombia to integrate, process and analyze Earth observations in one platform, to inform biodiversity decision-making. The...

Principal Investigator

Brauman Kate

Integrating ecosystem services (ES), the benefits provided by nature to people, into decision-making is becoming widespread. ES language and frameworks are widely used in decision settings including watershed management, infrastructure development, investment, planning, and disaster-management and have been integrated into mandates from governments worldwide. ES...
Principal Investigator

Howard Epstein

GEO BON aims to identify Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs), of which a category is Ecosystem Function. This effort developed a classification of Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs), to characterize the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of ecosystem functioning (regardless of similarities or differences in ecosystem structure), based...

Principal Investigator

Robert Field

Fire danger rating systems (FDRS) are cornerstones of wildland fire management, but fire danger data are not available in many fire-prone parts of the world. The NASA GISS Global Fire Weather Database (GFWED) was used to meet the global fire research and management...

Principal Investigator

Andrew Elmore

There is wide recognition that sustainable forest management of eastern temperate forests requires a thoughtful and deliberate approach that seeks to balance various uses, resources, and values such as wildlife and aesthetic beauty, timber products, water purification, gas extraction, and a variety of recreational opportunities...
Principal Investigator

Michael Wimberly

The Upper Guinean Forestsof West Africa are among the most vulnerable of the Earth’s tropical ecosystems to human-driven environmental change. They are considered climatically marginal, having the highest temperatures and longest dry seasons of all tropical forest systems worldwide. The region is also under enormous...
Principal Investigator

Justin Huntington

Project description: Reporting of evapotranspiration (ET) from irrigated agriculture in the western U.S. is increasingly being required for surface and groundwater-use inventories, estimating historical pumpage, as well as supporting water rights, transfers, and management. Crop conditions vary significantly in time and space due to crop...

Principal Investigator

William Kustas

End Users / Partners: E&J Gallo Winery, National Grape & Wine Initiative, Almond Board of California.


Project Description: The proposed project will refine and apply a multi-scale remote sensing toolkit for mapping crop water use and crop stress for improved irrigation scheduling and water...

Principal Investigator

Cynthia Rosenzweig

This project explores current and future water availability for irrigation across the Central Valley and western United States in collaboration with the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (YCFCWCD). Specifically, it is: (1) improving the representation of...