Principal Investigator

Chuanmin Hu

Floating mats of pelagic Sargassum macroalgae serve as an ecologically important habitat for many marine animals and therefore are regarded by the Sargasso Sea Commission as “the golden floating rainforest of the Atlantic Ocean.” On the other hand, excessive Sargassum beaching has become an increasing...
Principal Investigator

Andrew J Hansen

Human activities are increasingly fragmenting intact habitats and reducing connectivity among protected areas. Concern about loss of biodiversity led to an international agreement in 2010 to meet 20 specific biodiversity targets. Among these, Target 5 deals with fragmentation, Target 11 with connectivity, and Target 17...
Principal Investigator

Matthew Reiter

Freshwater ecosystems contribute disproportionately to global biodiversity and ecosystem services but are highly threatened by climate change, drought, and unsustainable water use. In arid, semi-arid, and Mediterranean regions, landscape-scale conservation requires protection, management, and enhancement of the connectivity of dynamic wetland habitats through surface water...
Principal Investigator

Enrique Montes

The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (MBON Pole to Pole) has fully established an international consortium of universities, independent research institutes and national agencies that seeks to support of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Societal Benefit Area of AmeriGEO through the...

Principal Investigator

Hyongki Lee

The fresh water resource in lower Mekong is confronted with challenges due to uncoordinated human activity in the upstream regions, such as extraction, diversion and dam impoundment of river waters. Due to the planned development, the dry season water level would rise, and the wet...

Principal Investigator

Franz Meyer

SAR-CBC is an AmeriGEO project that aims to build the capacity of Latin American partner institutions to apply Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to the following topics AmeriGEO societal benefit areas:

  • Agricultural monitoring
  • Disaster resilience
  • Ecosystem sustainability
  • Water resource management

What has been done:

  • Aug...
Principal Investigator

John Malone

Visceral leishmaniasis (Lutzomyia longipalpis) and Aedes aegypti borne arboviruses (dengue, zika, chikungunya) have potential for epizootic spread from Latin America and the Caribbean and establishment in North America. This project aims to develop and implement a geospatial surveillance and response system data resource for vector-borne...

Principal Investigator

antarpreet jutla



Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection, caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae. It remains a significant global health risk, where 40-80 million people are living in cholera hotspots in Africa. The real burden of cholera, which is...

Principal Investigator

Andrew Kruczkiewicz

This project is enhancing analyst and decision maker capacity to better prepare, respond and recover to floods. This project’s goal is to make progress towards a global system were flash flood risk can inform decision-making and action, to decrease the risk of socioeconomic impact on...

Principal Investigator

Yang Hong

Background: Accurate forecasting and communication of water and water-related hazards in developing regions could save untold lives and property. To this end, the proposing team has developed and implemented the CREST (Coupled Routing and Excess Storage) hydrologic model over East Africa. Since 2009, CREST has...