Displaying 11 - 20 of 22
Maya Forest Water Resources II (Fall 2021) Team: Stephanie Jiménez (Project Lead), Karen Alvarez, Rene Castillo, Daniel Nohren, and Stephanie Lawlor Summary: To monitor seasonal...
SPARROW is widely used throughout the United States for long term, steady state water quality analysis. However, users are increasingly asking for a dynamic version...
Project Description: The goal of this work is to improve the quality and usefulness of groundwater models by incorporating information derived from interferometric synthetic aperture...
Okefenokee Water Resources (Spring 2022) Team: Brianne Kendall (Project Lead), Kyle Steen, Hailey Schmidt, Laramie Plott Summary: The Okefenokee Swamp is a vital ecosystem known...
Description: This project provides a range of surface water products related to lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in a near real time framework. It also offers...
Description: This project provides a range of surface water products related to lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in a near real time framework. It also offers...
This proposal aims to expand a lake and reservoir monitoring program. This program is on-line, operational, with an existing decision support system (DSS) in place...
Water Resources
Water Resources
Applied Sciences
Capacity Building
Health & Air Quality
Water Resources
Jessica Sheaves, NASA Earth Applied Sciences writer