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UAVSAR aboard the NASA502 aircraft imaged Napa County, California on October 16 to observe areas affected by several wildfires that started on October 8 and burned thousands of buildings as well as vineyards and forests.

image of PolSAR mosaick of HH, HV, VV polarization overlay images.
PolSAR mosaick of HH, HV, VV polarization overlay images.

The fire perimeters (red) are from the USGS Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination website as of October 17.  
The fires from north to south are: Pocket, Tubbs, Nunn, and Atlas respectively..

image of a close-up view of Atlas fire before (2017.3.3) and after the fire (2017.10.16) – after image shows fire scars (purple) throughout the area south of Atlas.
Flight line ID: SanAnd_05512

Close-up view of Atlas fire before (2017.3.3) and after the fire (2017.10.16) – after image shows fire scars (purple) throughout the area south of Atlas.

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Jacob Reed, NASA Disasters