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The Applied Sciences team is excited to introduce our teams of summer interns who are supporting various aspects of the program. The interns are working to build their technical and professional skill sets while bringing their enthusiasm and new ideas to the program. Each of our interns created their own feature profiles, which we will be sharing over the next few weeks for each team. Keep reading to learn more about Tiffany Hsu and her role on the intern team.

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I pursued a major in Environmental Studies and a minor in Spatial Studies.

How did you get interested in earth science? What drew you to NASA?

My journey into the field of Earth science began with my deep appreciation for nature, which grew through numerous camping trips during my childhood. The profound sense of connection and tranquility I experienced in nature inspired me to delve into the study of the environment.

My fascination with working for NASA began when I permanently borrowed my brother's NASA baseball cap before starting college. Intrigued by the possibilities, I researched opportunities within the organization and came across NASA DEVELOP. I spent the rest of my college years preparing to apply for the program, and eventually had the opportunity to intern at Ames Research Center. The experience from DEVELOP, along with the enjoyment in collaborating with passionate scientists and professionals, fueled my desire to search for more opportunities within NASA.

Tiffany wearing a NASA baseball cap in front of greenery.
From a visit to the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco with my DEVELOP team at Ames Research Center, wearing the baseball cap that began my NASA journey!

Describe what your work is like at NASA. What’s your favorite part of the job so far?

During my internship at NASA, I have found immense joy in collaborating remotely with my peers, mentors, and program managers. Being surrounded by knowledgeable individuals who share my passion for making a difference on a grand scale is truly exhilarating. Because my work investigates a variety of focus areas, I have gained a greater appreciation for the extensive scope of NASA's Earth Science Division.

One of the most fulfilling experiences of my internship has been contributing to the creation of a survey aimed at assessing the effectiveness of NASA's Earth Observation data. By working to improve the program, I aim to actively contribute to the advancement of the field of earth science and make a positive impact.

Tiffany celebrating in graduation attire in front of a University building.
Standing in front of Bren Hall, where the department for Environmental Studies at UC Santa Barbara is located.

What are your goals?

In the short term, my goal is to make the most of my internship by gaining insights into the roles of program managers and project coordinators within NASA as well as understanding the structure of the Applied Sciences Program. In the long term, I envision building a career within NASA or the field of earth science, focusing on geospatial analysis and utilizing remote sensing. I believe I will be fulfilled as long as my work is meaningful and contributes to the betterment of people and the environment.

What are your hobbies?

Outside of my academic and professional pursuits, dance is a significant part of my life. I have been dancing since the age of 3 and continue to perform with a modern contemporary company. During my leisure time, I also enjoy crocheting, baking, and taking peaceful nature walks.

Tiffany dancing on a stage.

Thank you so much for all you do here at NASA, Tiffany!

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