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For Earth Day 2022 celebration NASA is encouraging everyone on Earth to celebrate our home planet. From a Virtual Exhibit, to highlighting our people in Faces of NASA to a #NASAEarthling social media campaign, NASA is highlighting the people and connections that create our world.  

graphic of a mobile phone showing words on the screen and a photo of a woman with a cat
An example of an Instagram social media post for Earth Day 2022. Credits: NASA

The social media campaign focuses on user-generated content via the hashtag: #NASAEarthling. Templates are available in English, Spanish and French at our feature story, Connect with NASA on Social Media this Earth Day. 

Post on social media an image of yourself, your pets, your favorite place, or even just text and tag it with #NASAEarthling to be included in the campaign.  

Applied Sciences’ Nikki Tulley is featured in NASA’s Earth Day compilation in the ongoing Faces of NASA website. Tulley is an assistant research scientist with NASA’s Ames Research Center as well as a member of Capacity Building’s Indigenous People Pilot.  

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Nikki Tulley is a researcher in Capacity Building focusing on water resources. Credits: NASA

Also featured is Emil Cherrington of Capacity Building's SERVIR program, a collaboration between NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development. He is the West African Regional Science Coordination Lead. 

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Emil Cherrington of SERVIR on a visit to NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. Credits: NASA

NASA’s 2022 Earth Day poster showcases the connections on our planet from space, air and ground. In this behind-the-scenes video, NASA Earth science's Jenny Mottar describes the process of developing the 2022 NASA Earth Day poster. The full poster is available for download at the NASA website for Earth Day 2022.

As Earth Day events occur around the world on April 22 and throughout the month, NASA is joining in with its own Virtual Exhibit. To take part, please visit the Virtual Exhibit website: Earth Day with NASA. 

graphic showing Earth Day virtual exhibit

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