Principal Investigator

Kathleen Lange

Capacity Building Type

Western Tennessee Water Resources (Fall 2022)

Team: Lauren Webster (Project Lead), Elena Pilch, Michael Pazmino, Katera Lee

Summary: The Memphis Aquifer (MA) is located in the Mississippi Embayment that extends 250,000 square kilometers across nine states. Fayette and Haywood counties in West Tennessee are situated...

Principal Investigator

Brandy Nisbet-Wilcox

Capacity Building Type

Idaho Wildfires II (Fall 2022)

Team: Talissa Cota (Project Lead), Dana Drinkall, Ryan Healey, Tyler Morvant

Summary: The western United States has experienced twenty years of increased and prolonged drought, which has exacerbated wildfire hazards. These hazards jeopardize population centers through increased risks to ecosystem...

Principal Investigator

Carli Merrick

Capacity Building Type

Bryce Canyon Water Resources (Fall 2022)

Team: Aaron Carr (Project Lead), Mel Frost, Alissa Stark, Ashley Grinstead

Summary: Bryce Canyon National Park is home to groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) that are threatened by a multidecadal drought and increased groundwater extraction due to a spike in tourism...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Georgia Disasters (Fall 2022)

Team: Isabella Chittumuri (Project Lead), Nancee Uniyal, Nathan Tesfayi, Shakirah Rogers

Summary: In September 2017, Hurricane Irma made landfall in southern Georgia, causing severe flooding and widespread destruction. Disaster recovery programs were inaccessible for heirs' property owners due to title difficulties...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Hettema

Capacity Building Type

Eastern Plains Agriculture (Fall 2022)

Team: Jillian Joubert, Sarah Hettema, Deni Ranguelova, TR Ingram, Max Stewart

Summary: Adaptive management on cattle ranches requires rangeland managers to decide the location and duration of the cattle grazing activity across different pastures. Biodiversity, forage availability, and cattle health...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Hettema

Capacity Building Type

Carmel Valley Urban Development (Fall 2022)

Team: Cooper Campbell (Project Lead), Julia Portmann, Devina Garcia, Audrey Wilson

Summary: Urban expansion in diverse ecosystems has numerous detrimental impacts, including diminished biodiversity, impaired water quality, and reduced carbon storage potential. In the Carmel Valley region of California’s...

Principal Investigator

Lisa Tanh

Capacity Building Type

San Diego Water Resources (FALL 2022)

Team: Ethan Gates (Project Lead), Stefanie Mendoza, Jonathan Szeto, Max VanArnam

Summary: Stormwater and wastewater runoff are a large source of pollutant discharge along the southern California coast and are a major concern to the health of local communities...

Principal Investigator

Lisa Tanh

Capacity Building Type

Maldives Climate (Fall 2022)

Team: Aidan Harvey (Project Lead), Daniel Lopez, Mitch Porter, Derek Chin

Summary: Global sea level rise as a result of climate change continues to pose a critical threat to coastal ecosystems and populations. The archipelagic country of the Maldives is of...

Principal Investigator

Caroline Williams

Capacity Building Type

Shoshone River Water Resources (Fall 2022)

Team: Robyn Holmes (Project Lead), Will Campbell, Cassie Ferrante, Nelson Lemnyuy

Summary: In 2016, a routine repair operation at the Willwood Dam released tons of built-up sediment into the Shoshone River, polluting the river and negatively impacting the ecosystem...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Yellowstone Ecological Forecasting II (Fall 2022)

Team: Vanessa Bailey (Project Lead), Ryan Brinton, Samantha Snowden, Aliza White

Summary: Aspen stands in Yellowstone National Park have been indirectly affected by the removal and reintroduction of wolves in 1926 and 1995, respectively. The National Park Service has...