Displaying 11 - 20 of 22
SPARROW is widely used throughout the United States for long term, steady state water quality analysis. However, users are increasingly asking for a dynamic version...
Project Description: The goal of this work is to improve the quality and usefulness of groundwater models by incorporating information derived from interferometric synthetic aperture...
Maya Forest Water Resources II (Fall 2021) Team: Stephanie Jiménez (Project Lead), Karen Alvarez, Rene Castillo, Daniel Nohren, and Stephanie Lawlor Summary: To monitor seasonal...
Okefenokee Water Resources (Spring 2022) Team: Brianne Kendall (Project Lead), Kyle Steen, Hailey Schmidt, Laramie Plott Summary: The Okefenokee Swamp is a vital ecosystem known...
Description: This project provides a range of surface water products related to lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in a near real time framework. It also offers...
Description: This project provides a range of surface water products related to lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in a near real time framework. It also offers...
This proposal aims to expand a lake and reservoir monitoring program. This program is on-line, operational, with an existing decision support system (DSS) in place...
Water Resources
Water Resources
Applied Sciences
Capacity Building
Health & Air Quality
Water Resources
Jessica Sheaves, NASA Earth Applied Sciences writer