Principal Investigator

Laura Forni

This project explores the potential of Remote Sensing (RS) and spatial data to advance Environmental Justice, with a focus on tribal land and water resources management. By studying past projects that effectively employed spatial data and GIS-based tools in resource management, we aim to understand...

Principal Investigator

Jason Douglas

In partnership with Communities for a Better Environment, a community-based organization leading the advancement of zero-emission technologies and green infrastructure in environmental justice communities, our 2-year Data Integration Project examines urban heat island- and air pollution-related inequities toward identifying ecosystem service-based solutions for advancing equity...

Principal Investigator

Olivia Landry

Capacity Building Type

Richmond Disasters (Summer 2023)

Team: Kaylee Tanner (Project Lead), Brodie Thiele, Trinity Johnson, Maggie Lincoln 

Summary: Pluvial flooding is the most frequent and widespread type of flooding in urban areas. It occurs when intense precipitation events overwhelm the capacity of soils and drainage systems. The...

Principal Investigator

Dr. Jacelyn Rice Boayue

Exploring synergistic opportunities between Charlotte-area environmental justice initiatives and NASA earth science information.

Team: Dr. Jacelyn Rice Boayue (North Caroline State University), Dr. Laurie Garo (Lifting Inspirations), graduate research assistant - Zed Bates-Norris (University of North Carolina Charlotte), and undergraduate research assistant - Yoniah...

Principal Investigator

Dr. Peter Marcotullio

Spatial and temporal variations in land surface temperature, vegetation and socioeconomic and health characteristics in frontline EEJ neighborhoods in New York City: Integrating Scientific Study with Community Perspectives

Team: Dr. Peter J. Marcotullio (Hunter College, CUNY), Dr. Andrew Reinmann (Advanced Science Research Center/Hunter College...

Principal Investigator

Dr. Mahbubur Meenar

The Project GrEEEn: Utilizing an environmental justice lens and earth science data to enhance greenspace Equity, Exposure, and Experience

Team: Dr. Mahbubur Meenar (Rowan University), Dr. Md Shahinoor Rahman (New Jersey City University), Dr. Deepti Adlakha (North Carolina State University), Dr. Ted Howell (Rowan University), Graduate students...

Principal Investigator

Dr. Stephen Flynn

Leveraging Earth Observation Data to Support Environmental Justice: ​ A Puerto Rico Coastal Community Case Study

Team: Dr. Stephen Flynn (GRI), Fernando Pabon Rico (PRSTRT), Dr Kristin Raub (GRI/CUAHSI), Dr. Josh Laufer (GRI), Angie Valencia (GRI), Shemie Daniels (GRI), Fernando Pabón Rico (PRSTRT), Dr. Omayra...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Unalakleet Climate (Summer 2023)

Team: Ian Lee (Project Lead), Clara Maxwell, Daniel J. Marsden, M. Jaweed Nazary 

Summary: The coastal community of Unalakleet is currently the 8th most at-risk community in Alaska to the adverse effects of climate change that include permafrost degradation, severe coastal...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Bandelier Ecological Conservation (Summer 2023)

Team: van Barrett (Project Lead), Megan Rich, Nusrat Zahan Jarin, Chloe Johnson 

Summary: The Southwest U.S. has experienced a growth of invasive riparian species, specifically Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian olive), Tamarix ramosissima (saltcedar), and Ulmus pumila (Siberian elm), which alter local...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Hettema

Capacity Building Type

Southern Wyoming Ecological Conservation II (Summer 2023)

Team: Bryan Graybill (Project Lead), Lillian Gordon, Estelle Lindrooth, Sarah Sathe 

Summary: Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is an invasive species of grass across the United States, and due to its ability to establish itself in disturbed landscapes, outcompete native...