Displaying 11 - 20 of 44
The fresh water resource in lower Mekong is confronted with challenges due to uncoordinated human activity in the upstream regions, such as extraction, diversion and...
SAR-CBC is an AmeriGEO project that aims to build the capacity of Latin American partner institutions to apply Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to the...
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole to Pole of the Americas (MBON Pole to Pole) has fully established an international consortium of universities, independent research...
This project aimed to strengthen connections between the Earth science community and electric utility data end users, as well as build capacity for domestic electric...
The project is developing and running a global, automated, flood forecasting, detection, measurement, mapping, and flood risk updating integrated system. This is being accomplished by...
This project developed a suite of satellite-based Essential Water Variables (EWVs) for improved near-real-time streamflow predictions using the ParBal surface energy balance model in the...
In a world of more frequent weather extremes, evolving climate conditions, large-scale geophysical hazards, devastating conflict and population displacement, and other challenges to sustainable development...
Imagine being able to predict streamflow on every river and stream in the world for the next 15 days! With our global streamflow modelling and...
Indigenous peoples and local communities are key stakeholders for achieving sustainable land management and addressing global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss. ​Traditional Indigenous...
Effective policy responses to changes in biodiversity are only possible with adaptable analytic tools that leverage the influx of data from biodiversity observation systems. The...