Principal Investigator

Carli Merrick

Capacity Building Type

Peru & Bolivia Climate (2023 Spring)

Team: Aarti Arora (Project Lead), Aaron Carr, Arina Fuqua, Haydee Portillo 

Summary: Irrecoverable carbon (IC) reserves contain large stores of the element, are at risk of being released due to human activity and consequentially contribute to global warming upon...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Georgia Disasters II (2023 Spring)

Team: Shakirah Rogers (Project Lead), Nathan Tesfayi, Matthew Murray, Clarence Jackson 

Summary: Heirs property owners are especially vulnerable to natural and manmade disasters. This group of people have inherited property left with no clear title and thus have unclear group...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Payne

Capacity Building Type

Coronado Ecological Conservation (2023 Spring)

Team: Carson Schuetze (Project Lead), Tyler Guigneaux, Charles Robinette, Josie Bourne

Summary: Species monitoring is essential for mitigating the impacts of plant invasion, such as radical changes in an area’s ecosystem, degraded soil health, increased wildfire severity, landslides, and increased...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Hettema

Capacity Building Type

Southern Rockies Western Slope Agriculture (2023 Spring)

Team: Adelaide Gonzalez (Project Lead), Rachel Buchler, Max VanArnam, Stephanie Willsey

Summary: Over the last decade, the southern Rocky Mountains of the United States have experienced increasingly severe and variable drought. Local ranchers and landowners have reported strain...

Principal Investigator

Sarah Hettema

Capacity Building Type

Front Range Wildland Fires (2023 Spring)

Team: Nora Carmody (Project Lead), Lillian Gordon, Nathan Teich, Josh Virene

Summary: Over the last several decades, wildfire frequency and severity in forested areas along Colorado’s Front Range have increased due to a buildup of fuels. This has...

Principal Investigator

Lisa Tanh

Capacity Building Type

Marin County Wildland Fires (2023 Spring)

Team: Suhani Dalal (Project Lead), Katera Lee, Chandler Ross, Gabriel Rosenstein

Summary: Heightened occurrence of severe wildfires in the Western United States is increasing the need to better understand regions of high potential wildfire severity and develop methodologies...

Principal Investigator

Lisa Tanh

Capacity Building Type

Maldives Climate II (Spring 2023)

Team: Ben Dahan (Project Lead), Evan Barrett, Tiffany Hsu, Gabriel Halaweh

Summary: The Republic of the Maldives is a low-lying island nation in the Indian Ocean which has experienced rapid urbanization, landcover changes, and sea level rise over recent years...

Principal Investigator

Julianne Liu

Capacity Building Type

Wichita Climate II (Fall 2022)

Team: Ritisha Ghosh (Project Lead), Richard Kirschner, Ria Mukherjee, Raina Monaghan

Summary: Wichita, Kansas is experiencing a host of climate threats, particularly extreme heat manifested through Urban Heat Islands (UHI). Heat is unevenly distributed within cities due to factors such...

Principal Investigator

Julianne Liu

Capacity Building Type

Milwaukee Urban Development II (Fall 2022)

Team: Nash Keyes (Project Lead), caleigh McLaren, Nati Phan, Dalia Vazques

Summary: Milwaukee’s neighborhoods experience increased social, health, and ecological stress from the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect due to changing land cover and climate. Extreme urban heat disproportionately...

Principal Investigator

Caroline Williams

Capacity Building Type

Southeast US Climate (Fall 2022)

Team: Heidi Rogers (Project Lead), Mistaya Smith, Maggie Mason, Anish Holla

Summary: Deforestation, a significant contributor to carbon emissions, is a major driver of climate change. To best inform climate mitigation, decision-makers must have accurate estimations of carbon emitted during...