Displaying 151 - 160 of 305
Disaster Type
SPARROW is widely used throughout the United States for long term, steady state water quality analysis. However, users are increasingly asking for a dynamic version...
California’s Central Valley is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world, producing approximately $20 billion in crops annually. The recent California droughts...
Due to increasingly frequent and severe drought conditions in the southwestern US, land managers and livestock producers need to monitor stock ponds with increasing regularity...
Principal Investigator: Miguel Villarreal, USGS Western Geographic Science Center (mvillarreal@usgs.gov) Co-Investigator: Brian Ebel, USGS Water Mission Area-Earth System Processes Division (bebel@usgs.gov) Wildfires increase flood and...
Georgia Disasters (Fall 2022) Team: Isabella Chittumuri (Project Lead), Nancee Uniyal, Nathan Tesfayi, Shakirah Rogers Summary: In September 2017, Hurricane Irma made landfall in southern...
Disaster Type