Displaying 61 - 70 of 125
Midwest Water Resources II (Spring 2022) Team: Addison Pletcher (Project Lead), Alec Solberg, Erin Shives, Max Rock Summary: Seasonal water variability in the midwestern United...
Mexico Disasters (Spring 2022) Team: Philip Casey (Project Lead), John Willis, Sean Nelsen, Zachary Silberman Summary: In this project, NASA DEVELOP partnered with Mexico’s National...
UHEAT Urban Development (Spring 2022) Team: Akshay Agrawal (Project Lead), Myung Sik Cho, Zainab Farid, Vanessa Machuca Summary: Extreme heat is a leading weather-related cause...
Environmental Justice Needs Assessment for Disasters (Spring 2022) Team: Julianne Liu (Project Lead), Emma Cooper, Natasha Johnson-Griffin, Keegan Kessler Summary: Natural disasters pose an increasing...
Environmental Justice Needs Assessment for Health & Air Quality (Spring 2022) Team: Elizabeth Duran (Project Lead), Paige Aldenberg, Sadie Murray, Thomas Schindelman Summary: Health and...
FLORIDA DISASTERS (Summer 2022) Team: Liam Megraw, Stefanie Dimayuga Mendoza, Samantha Kelly, Jesse Carlson Summary: Intensifying weather events, sea level rise, and extensive coastal development...
Florida Water Resources (Summer 2022) Team: Samuel Perrello (Project Lead), Kyle Stark, Koya Oki, Emily Heltzel Summary: Since their first sightings in the U.S. in...
Hawai'i Island Climate (Summer 2022) Team: Lisa Tanh (Project Lead), Ian Lee, Connor Racette, Matilda Anokye Summary: Climate-induced sea level rise poses a risk to...
Black Hills Wildfires (Summer 2022) Team: Casey Menick (Project Lead), Haley Stuckmeyer, Heidi Rogers, Yeshey Seldon Summary: The 2000 Jasper Fire in the Black Hills...
Maine Ecological Forecasting III (Summer 2022) Team: Jonathan Falciani (Project Lead), Colin Hogan, Linda Mitchell, Makario Sarsozo Summary: Shifting patterns in land use and land...